There is that special feeling
around this time of year. Some folks refer to it as Christmas magic, others
call it Christmas spirit. Whatever name you put on it, it’s that light-hearted
feeling that makes people a little kinder, more joyful and more giving.
Most grinches and Scrooges would beg to differ and say that no such thing as Christmas magic exists. Personally, I don’t think grinches and Scrooges exist; it’s not really that they don’t like Christmas, but rather it is that they don’t like what Christmas has become. Retailers and merchants never let us forget that it is about the gifts and the almighty dollar.
Christmas has become about the gifts instead of the giving in recent years. Even if you don’t fall into that trap, you are made to feel guilty if you don’t. You have to find the perfect gift, you have to buy a gift for someone just because they bought you one, you have to spend the same amount of money on it as they did. Stop!
It has become the same way with decorating. It is no longer about putting up the simple evergreen tree and having humble decorations. Hallmark has a keepsake ornament for each year that you have to buy, it’s “tradition.” No longer do we drive around looking at homes that are decorated. Now, it’s homes that have synchronized light and music displays and drive through commercial displays. Stop!
For everyone who dislikes the Christmas season for these reasons, it doesn’t have to be this way. You have to look beyond the commercialism. Only then can you find the Christmas magic. It still exists.
Believe it or not, scientists have discovered the Christmas spirit part of the brain…true statement! A study was done in Denmark that did brain scans on two different groups of participants, one group celebrated Christmas and the other group did not. Both groups viewed images. Some of the images were Christmas-related and others were neutral but a similar style to the Christmas-related ones.
Technically, they found that there was increased activation in the sensory motor cortex, the premotor, the primary motor cortex and the parietal lobule in participants’ brains who celebrate Christmas while they were viewing Christmas imagery whereas there was no increased activation in those who didn’t celebrate Christmas. All of this boils down to prove that there is a Christmas spirit network in the brain.
Researchers believe there is proof that the majority of us are happier around the holidays since just viewing pictures that depict holiday themes make us joyful. Other studies are finding the same outcomes.
I can hear some of you snorting now, “Yea, right, really?” Whether you believe the studies or not, one thing is for certain: Christmas spirit doesn’t come from the North Pole, but rather, it comes from you; it’s inside us all. The bottom line is if we choose to embrace it or not.
Who wouldn’t want to find joy in something that surpasses paying bills, going to work, decorating, shopping and all the other drudgery of everyday life? This is a universal season where it is OK to throw away the daily hassles that we get caught up in all year long and instead to remember that love, kindness and joyfulness are the real treasures.
Perhaps the best unofficial study of Christmas spirit has been done this year, on a larger scale than ever before and purely unintentionally. The pandemic is actually wiping some of our traditions away. There are no office parties, we can’t gather in large numbers for parades, festivities and social gatherings. Many of these were superfluous anyway. Haven’t you at least once in your life muttered to yourself, “I don’t want to go to the office party, to the neighbors’ annual gathering, etc. but I am expected to. I’d rather just be home.”
Tis the year. People are finding that enjoying smaller groups actually brings them closer. I don’t know how many times at family gatherings I really didn’t get to visit with everyone because there just wasn’t that one-on-one time. Don’t get me wrong, I am missing the gathering with family and friends just as much as anyone, but I am also learning that smaller is sometimes better.
Folks are enjoying their homes more too. Some people decorate to the hilt and are never home to enjoy it. I know people who have decorated early this year just because they are longing for some real joy and brightness in their world. We are learning that it is more than the gifts and the bustle. It’s more about the real magic and wonder of the holiday.
More so than at any other time of the year, you can find accounts of Christmas miracles. Suddenly the money you need for the rent shows up from an unexpected source; a person is healed and doctors have no explanation; a child receives not the gift he asked for, but rather just what he needs in his stocking; people find ways to make it home at this time of year when it seemed impossible. The list goes on. Part of the reason that Christmas is so magical is the mystery of Christmas. There are no earthly explanations.
The answer to the question of Christmas magic and Christmas spirit is best summed up by the answer to a little girl’s innocent question so many years ago, Francis Pharcellus Church’s, an editor of the The New York Sun newspaper, reply to a little girl’s question on the reality of Santa Claus. His answer from back in September of 1897 has become a classic and has been translated into 20 different languages. His last line speaks volumes to the validity of Christmas magic, “ Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist…..The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see….”
Even in our day, it is summed up by Roald Dahl who said, “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Or, as Dolly Parton puts it, “It’s the memories that make the magic.”
This year on December 21, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn’s great conjunction will produce a bright spot just above the southwestern horizon soon after sunset. This hasn’t occurred in this magnitude since 1226 AD, leading many to think this is the Christmas Star, the same that was seen over Bethlehem so many years ago. To many, this is a sign of a miracle, especially after the year that 2020 has been.
Christmas magic, Christmas spirit, or whatever name you put on it makes the world a better place. This is what I choose to believe and I’m sticking to it! Merry Christmas!