Tuesday, January 14, 2020


It’s a great big world out there with lots and lots and lots of facts about lots and lots and lots of stuff. I once wondered how long it would take a brain to know everything about everything. Even though this would be impossible, it makes you realize just how vast the world we live in is.

So, human nature dictates that each of us learn all we can about things that we are interested in. However, sometimes it is fun to learn something about our world that we will positively never ever use in our lifetime. Here are a few of those:

*There is a stress hormone called cortisol that is concentrated in tears. We literally “cry out” out stress.

*Humans are innately born with two fears, loud noises and falling. We learn every other fear.

*Good news for looooooog hugs. Hugs that last over 20 seconds release chemicals in the body called oxytocins that make you trust someone more.

*If the human eye were a camera, it would have 576 megapixels. By the way, did you ever think just how many images our eyes capture for us every day? No camera on earth can do justice to the pics that our eyes capture.

*Next time you see a little one go on a tirade and hold their breath, remember that crocodiles have no lips and can hold their breath for an hour. No, this won’t make your little one’s tirade any easier to control, just something fun to know.

*So, while the munchkin is having a fit, eat a banana. It is a happy fruit. Eating just one can help you relieve irritable emotions, anger or depression.

*A tiger’s tongue is so rough it can lick paint off buildings and strip the skin from the bones of an animal…ouch!

*Elephants can smell water 3 miles away.

*It is estimated that our brains produce as many as 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day depending on how deep of thinker you are.

*Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.

*OK, all you spud lovers, you can survive entirely on a diet of potatoes and butter. Between the two, they provide all the nutrients that the human body needs. So much for the saying that “man does not live by bread alone”!

*If humans killed each other at the same rate that we kill animals, we’d be extinct in 17 days. Uhh, don’t watch the news, because some days I think we are sadly catching up to that.

*There is a road in France that can only be used twice a day, and then only for a few hours. Then it disappears under 13 feet of water. I would choose my traveling times VERY carefully!

*There is a lake, Lake Hiller, in Australia where the water is naturally pink.

*Think your pinky finger is only for wearing rings on? Without it, your hand would lose 50% of its strength.

*The most littered item in the world is cigarette butts, with an estimated 4.5 trillion littered annually. Each butt can take 4.5 to 400 years to break down.

*Giraffes will spend about 70% of their day eating.

*That dust under the bed is mostly your own dead skin…yuck!

*Bananas are curved because they grow against the pull of gravity. They start growing downwards but, as they grow, they turn upwards to get more sun which results in their curved shape.

*Cows have best friends and get stressed when they are separated.

*Want to visit a unique “island”? On the west side of Sydney there is a 102-year-old ship that has been turned into a floating forest.

*Rainbows appear as full circles when you are in the sky. They only appear as half circles from the ground because there is no rain below the person viewing it.

*Did you know that talking to yourself is actually good. It helps you maintain focus while completing a task.

*India is the only country in the world confirmed to have both lions and tigers in its wilderness.

*Good news for beer drinkers. Beer reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%.

*Germany has officially abolished college tuition fees, even for international students. Now, this fact may come in handy!

*We surmised this one for a long time…humans have more empathy for dogs than they do for other humans.

*In Japan, students don’t get any exams until the fourth grade because the goal for the first three years of school is not to judge the student’s ability to memorize, but to establish good manners and develop their character. Japanese scholars teach manners first and foremost.

*There is a village in the Netherlands with no roads. The only form of transportation is by boat.

*Baby elephants suck their trunks just as baby humans suck their thumbs, and for the same reason: comfort.

*A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off.

*Swans only have one partner their entire life. If their partner dies, they could pass away from a broken heart.

*The average dog is as intelligent as a two-year-old child. They can understand up to 250 words and gestures.

*If you cut out the brain of a tortoise, it can survive another 6 months.

*After water, tea is the most consumed drink in the world.

*Iceland is the only country in the world that has no mosquitoes, snakes or other reptiles and very few species of spiders, which are not harmful to humans.

*A little history of the Lamborghini: once a tractor company owner was insulted by the owner of Ferrari. Enzo Ferrari’s worlds were, “You may be able to drive a tractor, but you will never be able to handle a Ferrari properly.” Today that tractor company is known as “Lamborghini.”

*When two people kiss, they exchange between 10 million to 1 billion bacteria…yuck!

*There is a naturally occurring black rose. They only grow in one place, a small village in Turkey called Halfeti. They only appear black in the summer months.

*Some folks have a “natural alarm clock” which allows them to wake up when they want. This is caused by a stress hormone.

*A tiger’s legs are so powerful that they can remain standing even when they are dead. Sometimes when they are shot, they bleed out and die while standing still.

*Ants never sleep and don’t have lungs. They have tiny holes all over their body where oxygen enters and carbon dioxide leaves.

*Everyone has a unique smell, unique fingerprint and unique tongue print.

*25,000.000 of your cells died while you were reading this sentence.

OK, so your brain is packed full of these fun facts that you probably never use. By the way, these tidbits came from K4KNOWLEDGE. Hope you enjoyed some.

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