The seed
catalogs have been piling in and, as they do every year, their colorful pages
entice me. They do their job well, the pages burst with pictures of vegetables
and fruits that look so succulent that I want to plant them all, even knowing
fully well that mine won’t look or grow anything like theirs.
Here lies
the problem; I always do try to have it all. I think that is the case with most
gardeners, especially here in the north where we have such a short growing
season. We dream during the long winter days, especially when the seed catalogs
show up, place our orders for a wide variety of produce and hope we can make it
work when planting season actually gets here.
We even try
to be creative by doing two or three different plantings of vegetables and ordering
varieties with different maturity dates so everything is not ripe at the same
time. I also think that the garden gods laugh at this method every year
because, invariably, everything seems to ripen at the very same time, year
after year.
Here lies the
frustration. I am tired of trying to can, freeze and dry all vegetables and
herbs all within a two or three-week span each year. So much of it goes to
waste before I can get it all preserved no matter how hard I work.
Well, this
year I have a new solution to the problem…I hope. I am going to try a garden
rotation plan, and I don’t mean for the soil. This one is for me to make better
use of the produce and my time.
It follows
the same philosophy as being good stewards of the soil. Because certain crops
deplete the soil of some nutrients, it is always a good idea to rotate crops
each year. When I grow tomatoes on the north side of the garden one year, then
the next year they move to the south side. I do this with most vegetables,
taking care to plant companion style since some crops like to be planted by
certain other ones.
So, last
year I concentrated on growing tomatoes, lots of tomatoes. I canned tomato
juice, stewed tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, salsa and everything
tomato-based. I knew when I was canning, that I would have more than I needed
for one year. I also preserved an abundance of peppers, onions and dried herbs
like rosemary, oregano and others that compliment tomatoes in dishes like
spaghetti, lasagna, pizza, etc.
As it nears
planting season this year, my pantry still has ample jars of tomatoes and
tomato products. Looking at these leftovers is what inspired me to try this new
gardening plan, a plan of rotating family of crops from year to year.
I will start
the rotation this year by having a few tomato plants to eat fresh and not
concentrate so much on canning them. Instead, I will dedicate more garden space
to a few different varieties of green beans, lima beans, etc. and plan on
canning more than one year’s worth of them.
Next year
the rotation will go to various varieties of cucumbers and canning dill
pickles, bread and butter and a couple other varieties.
My theory is
to concentrate on preserving a different family of vegetables each year. Of course,
Mother Nature will have something to say about this. Just like the Chinese New
Year recognizes a different animal each year, I truly believe crops have their
“glory” years too. You can fertilize, water and do everything the same and yet
some years tomatoes (or any other crop) will be better and more prolific than
I always notice this phenomenon particularly
in flowers. There is usually always one variety that steals the show whether it
be zinnias, marigolds, hydrangeas, or a number of different ones. Vegetables
are no different. So, in some ways, this method will be a gamble that will,
hopefully, pay off in the end.
This plan of
specialized planting each year should yield some advantages such as:
If half the
garden space is planted with different variety of beans, it will give the soil
a break from tomatoes and the nutrients that they pull from the soil. The next
year the garden can rest from what it takes to grow beans while something else
is produced.
Each vegetable
has its own nutrient needs. Sometimes it is like a puzzle trying to get the
right combination of nutrients to each species of plant. This method would
simplify the process.
Although different varieties of each crop
would probably still be ripening at the same time, the same equipment and
processes would be used instead of trying to wrestle all crops in the kitchen
at the same time.
With this method, you would actually be canning
or freezing at least twice as much as the usual amount for one year. Since
canned goods are shelf-stable for more than one year, you would be guaranteed
enough for the following year in case of crop failure or other circumstances
prevented that produce being put up the following year. It would take at least
two or three years of using this strategy to ensure that the pantry was stocked
with enough of all of the food groups for more than one year’s consumption.
After that, it would be easy to stay on a rotational basis. This method would
benefit everyone with a special emphasis on homesteaders.
Even if
there were a bad year where one crop did not produce at all (the year the
squash bugs devoured my entire squash crop), you would just plan on doubling
that crop the following year, thus still only losing that crop for one year.
This is the
trial year to see if this method works as well functionally as it does on
paper. I just remember previous years with tubs, boxes and baskets of tomatoes,
green beans, cucumbers and a host of other vegetables all waiting to be
processed at once. Now, when I do one species, the cleaning and processing will
all start the same making initial preparation more streamlined. Adding
different spices and herbs will dictate the final product.
Mother Nature will give us a good gardening year to either prove or disprove my
theory…to be continued.
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